Shoot Date: 9th February 2022
Location: School of Film and Television, Penryn Campus
As a professional actor, I had the privilege of attending a highly-anticipated film event organized by the prestigious School of Film and Television (SoFT). The event provided a unique platform for SoFT students to pitch their captivating short film ideas, while I had the opportunity to roam around and listen to these engaging pitches, eagerly putting my name down for auditions that piqued my interest.
Furthermore, the event featured a photographer who generously offered free headshot sessions, enabling me to update my pre-university at-home headshots. Although these initial headshots did not fully capture my desired aesthetic, I was grateful for the opportunity to refresh my portfolio and showcase my versatility as an actor. Overall, the event was a great success, allowing me to connect with fellow creatives and broaden my horizons within the film and television industry.