Film: Lost Excalibur
Role: Morgana
Filming Date: 28th February 2022
Photographer: @im_ambi_ (Instagram)
Director: Ben Clingan (
Location: Kresen Kernow, Redruth
My first paid short film experience was on "Lost Excalibur," and it was an incredibly enjoyable experience. The plot followed a university student who investigates the King Arthur legend, trying to determine its authenticity. During her research at the library, I portrayed the librarian who assists her. At the movie's conclusion, it's revealed that my character was Morgana herself.
Sadly, the film was unable to progress past post-production due to budgetary constraints. Despite this, I feel that the project was an excellent learning opportunity. It taught me the ropes of working with the camera for screen, the process of filming a movie, and the overall satisfaction that comes from being a part of it.
Fortunately, I managed to acquire the behind-the-scenes footage and photography images, allowing me to look back on the project fondly!